
I am really proud of my body of work. I am especially proud of how I've helped so many businesses achieve success. I helped hundreds of businesses during the 15 years I worked at the local newspaper and, in the twenty years that I've been on my own, I've helped hundreds more. It feels good!!!!

I don't feel like I'm done yet though...actually it feels like I'm at the top of my game in terms of service I can offer my existing and new clients today! I know Photoshop inside and out, I have top-of-the-line Macintosh equipment, I've learned to do very complex shopping cart websites, and I have all these years of experience of learning what works and what doesn't work to get customers through the door. I specialize in tourism promotion, and equine and livestock industry marketing but can help any kind of business you can think fact, I remember years ago developing wonderful packaging for a lady who was manufacturing hemorrhoid creme!

I published my own community newspaper for three years supporting it with ad sales, and then published community wellness Bootstraps newspapers off and on for many more years, raising the money to do so myself. I'd like to think all of these newspapers made our community a better place to live. I also have been involved in several major successful community fundraising campaigns...I'm good as a team member of the core committees that runs these campaigns. I've helped many politicians get elected, some by very large margins.

I've done more than one project for clients that were completely supported by ad sales I generated... I'm really good at selling! I'm also a pro photographer. I am great at helping promote major events, too.

There's a ton of younger people nipping at my heals but I can't imagine how they'll ever catch me until they are older and wiser too. I work extremely hard to stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and services while, at the same time, I work to develop my own unique, custom "look". I specialize in advising on how to use social media to your advantage and can do custom Twitter and WordPress home page designs for you.

I have lots of satisfied clients but it is the nature of my business that I have to keep recruiting new clients. Once I finish a website or big brochure, I'm generally done for a while and have to find another big project to do. So lets talk if you would like me to do for you what I have done for so many you generate a positive cash flow, have a shopping cart website, or whatever other business or event promotion problem you need to solve. Call me at 541.883.7456...just to chat.

My graphic design portfolio: 1A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24